
Max Osiris
Nov 4, 2020


I land in Sydney. No bags. The Australian TSA human interrogates me for 15 minutes due to the fact that I have zero bags of any kind and am just wearing a glow in the dark burner jacket. I tell him about Tim Ferris, blah blah blah. My best friend (at the time) is with me. Doug Hac also has zero bags. We’re on ZERO baggage tour. He waves us through. I immediately buy a burner phone so I can Tinder with both hands.

Back up to like 72+ or whatever earlier. Decided to rando ass fly out to wherever. Showed up to LAX and decided it would be cool to go wherever. We miss the Boracay flight time. So then we decide to pop down and check out some Aussie birds. Stop over in Manilla and go to the red light district at 4am on a layover. Yadda yadda yadda. Have a spa day.

Land in Sydney looking like Mr. Burns in the forest. Litty af…..

Long story short, we stay nights and then I decide I miss my LA girls so we hop over to Honolulu for an overnight dance party, rent a cedes convertible, check out some sunset, then bounce back to the city of Lost Angels.

Dem Aussie birds were more frigid than anticipated. It’s alright dou. Mickey a good ol banana capt’n monterey jack ey?

